
Monday, March 1, 2021

H.R. 5 "Equality Act"


  • I strongly oppose the Equality Act.
  • It creates inequality based on a particular ideology about sexual ethics.
  • It is anti-life, anti-family, & anti-faith. 
  • It is an attack on children, women, religious freedom & culture.



Joe Manchin
Eastern Panhandle
Washington DC
Shelley Moore Capito
Phone: 304-347-5372
Washington DC
Phone: 202-224-6472
Phone: 304-262-9285
Phone: 304-292-2310
Phone: 304-347-5372


Rob Portman
Washington DC
Phone: 202-224-3353
Phone: 513-684-3265
Phone: 614-469-6774
Phone: 216-522-7095
Phone: 419-259-3895
Sherrod Brown
440- 242-4100
Washington DC

The Equality Act does not promote equality-it creates inequality. It mandates government-imposed unfairness by requiring we accept a particular ideology about sexual ethics. It attacks the biological reality of the human person and harms the family. It mandates an anti-family, anti-faith, anti-life agenda throughout federal law.

This Equality Act redefines what we mean by biological sex, what constitutes “discrimination on the basis of sex," and significantly expands the scope of various civil rights laws.

It will affect public accommodations which includes public education, grants, loans, jury service, sports competition and health care. It further exempts itself from the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The Equality Act is legislation that would massively overhaul our federal civil rights framework in order to mandate special privileges for sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI), expand abortion access, and gut religious liberty—leaving many to suffer the consequences, including women, children, medical professionals, parents, teachers, students, families (including small business owners), the unborn, churches, religious organizations and schools, people of faith, and even those members of the LGBT community it claims to protect.

Taken from:

Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Separation of Church and State

The Separation of Church and State
David Barton
In 1947, in the case Everson v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court declared, "The First Amendment has erected a wall between church and state. That wall must be kept high and impregnable. We could not approve the slightest breach." The "separation of church and state" phrase which they invoked, and which has today become so familiar, was taken from an exchange of letters between President Thomas Jefferson and the Baptist Association of Danbury, Connecticut, shortly after Jefferson became President.
     To read the rest of the article go to :


Monday, July 11, 2016

Arise in Your Authority

Guest Post from Dutch Sheets 

The question of who’s in control is a governmental issue. We often think of government only in its civil sense, but Webster’s defines govern as “to direct and control; to regulate by authority; to influence; to direct; to restrain; to steer or to regulate the course of; to exercise authority to maintain the superiority.” To exercise authority is to govern. Praying with authority, therefore, is “governmental intercession.” So in essence, this is an issue of government—not politics, but prayer! Politicians and government officials legislate through man-made laws and rulings. We legislate through spiritual laws, principles, and activities. We legislate through prayer!

One of Scripture’s primary themes is governmental authority. You were actually created with a nature to rule, to govern, to exercise authority. Using Webster’s definition of governing, you were created “to direct and control; to maintain the superiority,” not be lorded over by other people, evil forces, or even unfortunate circumstances. You’re an overcomer, a conqueror. When Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden, God’s instruction to him—which remains the same for us today— was to subdue, have dominion and multiply. Though this God-given propensity lost most of it’s purity at the fall, becoming infected with pride and selfish ambition (Genesis 3), nonetheless, the desire in humankind to govern its world was placed there by God.

This drive to govern and this call to legislate, is “for such a time as this.” In scripture this phrase was used to describe a season in which the life of a nation was at stake (Esther 4:14). Esther and Mordacai, of course, were used by God to thwart wicked Haman’s attempt to eradicate the Jews.

It is appropriate to use this phrase precisely at this time in history: “for such a time as this.” There are those who do not want the America God raised up to continue its existence. Their vision for this nation is different than that of our forefathers—and even our grandparents. They have gained much ground and in many ways, seem to have gained control of America. They rule the White House and much of the Supreme Court and Congress. They preach their agenda from media pulpits, indoctrinate from their education bastions, and defile from their entertainment platforms. They are “Hamans,” warring for the destruction of a nation God raised up, empowered by a devil whose existence they deny.

I believe, however, that God has a response to America’s Hamans, just as He did the Jews’ destroyer. An apostolic, praying church is arising, one that will soon be offered the momentum of a third great awakening. Born for such a time as this, these kingdom warriors will be used to turn a nation back to its righteous roots and heavenly purpose.

As surprising as it may sound, another part of this “army,” will be from government roles. We must take back this part of our culture, for a righteous government alongside a kingdom-minded and spirit-empowered church, is the vehicle through which God’s righteous authority enters the earth. “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn,” (Proverbs 29:2).

Church, it’s time to arise in God’s governmental authority—to direct, control, regulate, influence, restrain, steer, and regulate the future course of this great nation—to maintain the status of superiority that God has given to us.”

Our mandate is nothing less than this: “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, To pluck up and to break down, To destroy and to overthrow, To build and to plant.” (Jeremiah 1:9b-10)
We must shift from petition prayer to declarative prayer. We must engage in authoritative governmental intercession, laying hold of God’s Word and making it the sword that divides what is permissible, from what cannot be!

We must come alongside and fervently support those in seats of government whose goal is to set God’s Word as the plumbline and use spiritual laws, principles, and activities to affect political decisions.

Many prophets have voiced God’s desire to infuse a second wind of new life, strength and strategy into the intercessory prayer movement, into churches, ministries, and even businesses. There are personal and corporate breakthroughs hanging from heaven for those who will lay hold of them.

Ekklesia, through authoritative prayer and bold biblical action, it’s time for heaven’s legislative session to begin!

- Dutch Sheets

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Heartbeat Bill Update: We Have The Votes - We Need Your Help!

Update on Heartbeat Bill....see Facebook link on the bottom of page
Pro-Life Ohioans: Please call Speaker of the Ohio House Bill Batchelder's office. Urge the Speaker to allow a floor vote on the pro-life Heartbeat Bill (new bill #HB248). 

Call Speaker Batchelder at (614) 466-8140.
Leave brief message with aide or on voicemail.

We have the votes to pass it in the House, if only the Speaker will grant us a floor vote. Let us know if you get any feedback. Forward & post on social media to get others to call.
Special thanks to Heartbeat Bill prime sponsors Reps. Christina Hagan and Lynn Wachtmann and co-sponsors J. Adams, R. Adams, Beck, Becker, Blair, Blessing, Boose, Brenner, Buchy, Burkley, Butler, Conditt, Derickson, Hackett, Hall, Hayes, Henne, Hill, Hood, Hottinger, Huffman, Johnson, Lynch, Maag, McClain, Retherford, Roegner, Romanchuk, Rosenberger, Ruhl, Schuring, Slaby, Smith, Sprague, Stautberg, Terhar, Thompson and Young.

--Warren County Right To Life--

P.S. If you have time to leave a second message, urge Ohio Senate President Keith Faber to introduce the Heartbeat Bill in the Senate:

Senator Faber (614) 466-7584.

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Ohio Representatives And Senators
Member NameDC PhoneDC FAX
Senator Sherrod Brown (D- OH)202-224-2315202-228-6321
Senator Rob Portman (R- OH)202-224-3353202-224-9075
Representative Steve Chabot (R - 01)202-225-2216202-225-3012
Representative Jean Schmidt (R - 02)202-225-3164202-225-1992
Representative Michael R. Turner (R - 03)202-225-6465202-225-6754
Representative Jim Jordan (R - 04)202-225-2676202-226-0577
Representative Bob Latta (R - 05)202-225-6405202-225-1985
Representative Bill Johnson (R - 06)202-225-5705202-225-5907
Representative Steve Austria (R - 07)202-225-4324202-225-1984
Representative John A. Boehner (R - 08)202-225-6205202-225-0704
Representative Marcy Kaptur (D - 09)202-225-4146202-225-7711
Representative Dennis J. Kucinich (D - 10)202-225-5871202-225-5745
Representative Marcia L. Fudge (D - 11)202-225-7032202-225-1339
Representative Patrick J. Tiberi (R - 12)202-225-5355202-226-4523
Representative Betty Sutton (D - 13)202-225-3401202-225-2266
Representative Steven C. LaTourette (R - 14)202-225-5731202-225-3307
Representative Steve Stivers (R - 15)202-225-2015202-225-3529
Representative James B. Renacci (R - 16)202-225-3876202-225-3059
Representative Tim Ryan (D - 17)202-225-5261202-225-3719
Representative Bob Gibbs (R - 18)202-225-6265202-225-3394